KIN NAM cafe'

KIN NAM cafe'

Sunday, December 11, 2011


by Russel. W

In this last part, I will explain about mentality. This is something simple but the main key for you to become success or not fail. Mentality is like booster, that can keep boost you to do everything until your limit. It will make you keep fighting and make you never give up.

Did we realize, how many people surround us that never give up even got so many problem, how many people so easy give up when they meet problem, how many people even they haven’t really meet problem already give up because only hear people surround them talk about maybe they will have or meet the problems. The question is, why have people that so tough, never give up, they keep trying and trying until they are limit? And why have people so easy or always give up? The answer is ……. “Mentality” Yub….. The answer is only one, “mentality” that why mentality is so important and we need them.

The good news, everybody rich or poor, young or old, healthy or unhealthy can have mentality because is free and nobody can buy it. It’s come from your mine and thinking. The only tools you need is thinking it and build it from your mine and keep remain it to make become stronger and stronger. So what kind thinking and mentality we need?

Many people when we ask them the reason why they are open coffee shop, the answer mostly “I want have coffee shop or I like drink coffee or I want start business”. If we see it, mostly they say want or like. This is not a strong word and because the only reason is “want or like”, means in they are mine for those people is not to show really want to do it. It will deferent if they say “I want have coffee shop and I committed to make it happen or I like drink coffee and I commit to make coffee shop or I want start business and I commit to do it”. Word of commit means really will do it, no matter how and they will keep try many thing until success or they are limit. With commit, they are mentality will keep boost them to keep trying until success or they are limit.

My advice, before you start to build your coffee shop, even before you start make the business blue print, start from build your mentality. Rethinking are you just only want or like or (really) commit with the coffee shop. If you haven’t committed, better postpone to build the coffee shop even just only the small one. If you are already commit, keep remain yourself every day. It will make you have strong mentality. You can make the mentality more strong too with read or watching movie about people success story. No matter the success story in the sport or life or etc.

CONCLUSION Build the coffee shop = build business, that why we need to plan it and prepare it like we build the house, and we need prepare our mentality too. No matter how big or small the coffee shop we need all of this in one package to make it success or minimum not fail. Remember, no matter how big or small the coffee shop if fail it will be same meaning = losing money and if success, it will be same meaning too = make money. With planning we will know how to solve problem until how to make it grow. That why many people buy franchise business, because buy (real) franchise business = buy they are knowledge and systems from a to z. Means they no need to prepare everything. What they need only budget and mentality, after that just copy it and follow it. It’s so easy. The only problem is how to choose the right franchisee….. My simple tips, read all this articles, used the information to check the franchise and ask them from A to Z.

Well, that’s it for now. Thank you for spending your precious time follow and reading my articles. I wish you tremendous success and true happiness, and I will see you again in my next articles soon.
God Bless you

Russel. W is consultant at KIN NAM café.
For more information visit and or for any question.

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